Contrastive Study of Personal Pronouns in English and Spanish


  • Maria Christyolin University of Bengkulu


spanish personal pronoun, simmilarities, dissimilarities


This study was conducted to describe simmilarities and dissimilarities of the uses of personal pronouns in English and Spanish. A contrastive and descriptive research were carried out to find and to analyze the data. The study findings show that there are some simmilarities of the uses of personal pronouns in English and Spanish. Both English and Spanish have the same function as nominative, occupying the subject, and as accusative occupying the function of the object.  The dissimilarities are on the fact that on Spanish, most pronouns have a gender, namely ; masculine and feminime and Spanish has pronouns in addressing anyone whom we respect, someone that older than us, someone whom we meet for the first time the second person singular and plural in the formal form. Proonoun in different position in spanish has the same form, Spanish does not have the specific forms for neuter gender


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