The impact of Using English Curriculum Design Based on Industry Needs in English Teaching on Vocational School to Improve Students Motivation and Skill for Industry Standard Working Communication


  • Ahmad Nasihin University of Bengkulu


English Curriculum Based Industry Needs (ECBIN), English Students Skill, vocational school


The output of vocational school still has lower competence in English communication for industrial standard, so it needs innovative English curriculum to solve this gap. This research presents the result of implementing English Curriculum Based on Industry Needs (ECBIN) on vocational school. Following Rashidi (2016) this research uses questioners to find the perception of students and industry ECBIN. Students and industry perception also is collected from interview to36 students and 5 managers of Industry uses vocational output as workers. To find out the impact of implementing ECBIN on vocational school to the students skill, this research conduct experimental activity.  The result of research shows that the firstly the competence of students after treatment ECBIN, students’ competence increased by average of speaking score 75.58, listening 72.65, reading 80.34 and writing 78.56 for average. The score of students before treatment is 65.30 for speaking, 54.35 for listening, 70.12 for reading and 60.45 for writing skill. Secondly, it is found that students perception to ECBIN shows positive significantly 65,45 % agree and  11,57% students are strongly agree. Thirdly, Industries stated 61,11% agree and 17,60 % are strongly agree that ECBIN is very useful to support the output of vocational school for their career. So it can be concluded that English Curriculum based on industry or work field is more effective and useful for students and also companies. Vocational school in Indonesia should change English curriculum from general English to ESP.


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